Desktop & Online House Valuations | Arnold & Baldwin

Remote Desktop Valuations

A desktop valuation (also known as a remote valuation) is a valuation performed without a physical inspection of a property.

Our surveyors access up to date information online to build an accurate data library, to ensure an accurate valuation is achieved. 

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What is the purpose of an online desktop valuation?

A desktop valuation (also known as desktop appraisal) is a valuation performed without a physical inspection of a property. It will generally be undertaken where a full inspection of a property cannot take place.

This may include the valuation of new-build properties and developments where the property is not finished and the valuation is based on plans and specifications of the finished product provided by the developer, usually alongside a site inspection.

Essentially, this means that in qualifying circumstances, our experts are able to arrive at a reasonable opinion of value from their desk.

A desktop valuation is not a formal valuation and will only contain a brief description of the property to be valued which is based on photographic evidence, computerised information and advice from the client and other means as appropriate to establish a value.

Despite the expertise of our surveyors, a desktop valuation where the internal order and specification of a property has not been determined will often provide a wider range of values and subsequently a more conservative valuation.

Other valuations may allow for just an external inspection of a pre-existing property, however, a desktop valuation is only suitable for certain properties in qualifying circumstances. As such, it is reserved for those common and traditional properties which the surveyor can recognise as being of a certain type, style and arrangement.

It is not suitable in instances where too many potential variables mean the expertise of the surveyor cannot reasonably determine the arrangement of the property, particularly flats, larger houses, those that have been extended, or those of non-traditional construction and uncommon design.

For more information about Desktop Valuations, AVM's and Help to Buy Valuations, please read our article “A guide to remote valuations.

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